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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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NTI Days

During the 2024-25 school year, Fayette County Public Schools will use Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) in place of school closings for severe winter weather. NTI will allow students to continue learning when weather conditions make it unsafe to attend school and potentially avoid extending the school year to make up for cancellations.

Schools will send Chromebooks home with students each day to ensure that students are prepared for an NTI weather day. Please charge your child’s Chromebook each evening and return it to school the next day along with the charger.

If your child has access to a computer and internet at home and you wish to NOT have a Chromebook sent home nightly please reach out to your child’s teacher via email or by written note.

Announcements about school delays, closures, or NTI weather days are announced via email, phone call, and text message, as well as on social media, the district website, and local media outlets. We will also share any school closures on our school DoJo page.

Please take a moment to update your contact information and communication preferences in Infinite Campus so that you receive notifications about winter weather.

In the event of an NTI weather day, please be on the lookout for additional instructions from your student’s teachers. Grades K – 5 will complete work through digital platforms. All teachers will be available for assistance from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. via Google Meet on their Google Classroom. Each teacher will send out information on how to access their Google Classroom.

Students who cannot complete their work on an NTI weather day because of power outages, internet connectivity, or other issues will have three school days after returning to school to complete and submit missed assignments.

District Resources: 

Tech Support 

Help Desk: (859) 381-HELP (4357)

FCPS Weather Guidelines